Business Investor Program
If you own a profitable business or if you manage more than five full-time employees, you may qualify for Canada Immigration’s business investor program. This could be the best way for you and your family to achieve Canadian citizenship in one of the best countries in the world to live in.
One of the main requirements of the program is that the applicant must have a net worth of more than $1.6 million (Canadian dollars). Both of the applicants' business and personal assets are measured in order to satisfy the net-worth requirement.
Another requirement is a large deposit to be made to Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) for a 5 year period. You may qualify for a financing option for this large deposit from a Canadian bank.
Make it Canada immigration experts are experienced and familiar with the Business Investor Program. We know what is required and how to prepare an investor application in order for you and your family to gain Canadian Immigration visas.
Simply fill out our Business Investor Assessment Form to find out from one of us if you would qualify under this program.